This is the old  Mark Terasaki Lab Home Page

the new one is at

Department of Physiology
University of Connecticut Health Center

Most recent:
Video essay for Molecular Biology of the Cell:
Imaging echinoderm fertilization

Plasma membrane wound healing (movies)

ER during maturation and fertilization

Starfish oocytes (movie)

GFP-KDEL (info)

Mouse oocytes (pictures)

Exocytosis in sea urchin eggs (movies)

Slow Axonal Transport (movie)

Calcium in cilia (movie with sound)

Actin filament translocations (movie)

Nuclear envelope breakdown (movie)

ER in Fibroblasts:

Coupling of ER with retrograde cortical movements in fibroblasts (movie)

Labeling by DiOC6(3) (images)

Double labeling by DiOC6(3) and BiP (images)

Microtubules and the ER (images)


Phospholipase C gamma in fertilization (JCB full text)

GFP labeling of the Golgi apparatus (movies)


Movie Controller, a Macintosh program for controlling rate and direction of
Quicktime movies. HyperCard program, written by M. Terasaki, himself!

Some Methods

How to trigger an OMDR with a confocal microscope

Laurinda Jaffe Microinjection Manual (web page)

Silicon rubber (sources, etc)

Summer 1999

Lab Web Server

MBL Loeb, Room 2 (summer 98) (pictures)

12 Cricket Lane (summer 98) (pictures)

Collaborators (pictures, movies)

Fertilization at the University of Connecticut (pictures, movies)

The Neurobiology Course Party 1997 (movies)


The Sea Urchin web page

The MBL Physiology Course, 1996


University of Connecticut Health Center

CBIT: Center for Biomedical Imaging Technology

Marine Biological Labs, Woods Hole, MA

Year-round address:
Department of Physiology
University of Connecticut Health Center
Farmington, CT 06032

phone 860 679 2695
fax 860 679 1661 or 1269

email terasaki

Summer address:
Loeb Building, Room 2
Marine Biological Labs
167 Water Street
Woods Hole, MA 02543

phone 508 289 7500
fax 508 548 1327

email terasaki

Publications, etc

How to get to the lab by car

Thanks to Steve Vogel and Frank Morgan for getting me started on HTML!
since August 15, 1995