Inky -
A gift from Bret Grasse of the MBL cephalopod facility at Woods Hole
Species: Octopus bimaculatus
Received in June 2019 - 1 (June 30) - 2 (July 10)
Named by John Hammer!
We fed him hermit crabs from the yacht club beach, small crabs from Stony beach or glass shrimp off the Gemma pier.
Try to pick him up! (September 1)
Crawling around

Brought to UConn in September 2019
Taken care of by Tracy Uliasz
Switched to a diet of Stop and Shop mussels and frozen shrimp!
In the tank (October 29)
Out of the water (November 4)
Bigger (April 6)
New homes - not sure which one he will choose! (April 13; thanks to Mandy for yellow vase!)

Octopi in previous years
MBL cephalopod mariculture
Octopus bimaculatus - wikipedia