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Brightman, M. W., and T.S. Reese. 1969. Junctions between intimately apposed cell membranes in the vertebrate brain. J Cell Biol 40: 648-677.
Brightman, M. W., I. Klatzo, Y. Olsson, and T.S. Reese. 1970. The blood-brain barrier to proteins under normal and pathological conditions. J Neurol Sci 10: 215-239.
Brightman, M. W., T.S. Reese, N.A. Vick, and D.D. Bigner. 1971. A mechanism underlying the lack of a blood-brain barrier to peroxidase in virally induced brain tumors. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 30: 139-140.
Olsson, Y., and T.S. Reese. 1971. Permeability of vasa nervorum and perineurium in mouse sciatic nerve studied by fluorescence and electron microscopy. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 30: 105-119.
Reese, T. S., N. Feder, and M.W. Brightman. 1971. Electron microscopic study of the blood-brain and blood-cerebrospinal fluid barriers with microperoxidase. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 30: 137-138.
Brightman, M. W., M. Hori, S.I. Rapoport, T.S. Reese, and E. Westergaard. 1973. Osmotic opening of tight junctions in cerebral endothelium. J Comp Neurol 152: 317-325.
Heuser, J. E., and T.S. Reese. 1973. Evidence for recycling of synaptic vesicle membrane during transmitter release at the frog neuromuscular junction. J Cell Biol 57: 315-344.
Shabo, A. L., T.S. Reese, and D. Gaasterland. 1973. Postmortem formation of giant endothelial vacuoles in Schlemm's canal of the monkey. Am J Ophthalmol 76: 896-905.
Landis, D. M., and T.S. Reese. 1974. Arrays of particles in freeze-fractured astrocytic membranes. J Cell Biol 60: 316-320.
Landis, D. M., and T.S. Reese. 1974. Differences in membrane structure between excitatory and inhibitory synapses in the cerebellar cortex. J Comp Neurol 155: 93-125.
Costa, J. L., T.S. Reese, and D.L. Murphy. 1974. Serotonin storage in platelets: estimation of storage-packet size. Science 183: 537-538.
Heuser, J. E., T.S. Reese, and D.M. Landis. 1974. Functional changes in frog neuromuscular junctions studied with freeze-fracture. J Neurocytol 3: 109-131.
Landis, D. M., T.S. Reese, and E. Raviola. 1974. Differences in membrane structure between excitatory and inhibitory components of the reciprocal synapse in the olfactory bulb. J Comp Neurol 155: 67-91.
Nabeshima, S., T.S. Reese, D.M. Landis, and M.W. Brightman. 1975. Junctions in the meninges and marginal glia. J Comp Neurol 164: 127-169.
Dubois-Dalcq, M., and T.S. Reese. 1975. Structural changes in the membrane of vero cells infected with a paramyxovirus. J Cell Biol 67: 551-565.
Dubois-Dalcq, M., and T.S. Reese. 1975. Proceedings: Structural changes in the membrane of Vero cells infected with subacute sclerosing panencephalitis virus. Neurology 25: 495.
Dubois-Dalcq, M., T.S. Reese, and O. Narayan. 1976. Membrane changes associated with assembly of visna virus. Virology 74: 520-530.
Dubois-Dalcq, M., T.S. Reese, M. Murphy, and D. Fuccillo. 1976. Defective bud formation in human cells chronically infected with subacute sclerosing panencephalitis virus. J Virol 19: 579-593.
Gulley, R. L., and T.S. Reese. 1976. Intercellular junctions in the reticular lamina of the organ of Corti. J Neurocytol 5: 479-507.
Heuser, J. E., T.S. Reese, and D.M. Landis. 1976. Preservation of synaptic structure by rapid freezing. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol 40: 17-24.
Henkart, M., D.M. Landis, and T.S. Reese. 1976. Similarity of junctions between plasma membranes and endoplasmic reticulum in muscle and neurons. J Cell Biol 70: 338-347.
Dubois-Dalcq, M., M. Rodriguez, T.S. Reese, C.J. Gibbs, and D.C. Gajdusek. 1977. Search for a specific marker in the neural membranes of scrapie mice: a freeze-fracture study. Lab Invest 36: 547-553.
Gulley, R. L., and T.S. Reese. 1977. Regional specialization of the hair cell plasmalemma in the organ of corti. Anat Rec 189: 109-123.
Gulley, R. L., and T.S. Reese. 1977. Freeze-fracture studies on the synapses in the organ of Corti. J Comp Neurol 171: 517-543.
Landis, D. M., and T.S. Reese. 1977. Structure of the Purkinje cell membrane in staggerer and weaver mutant mice. J Comp Neurol 171: 247-260.
Pumplin, D. W., and T.S. Reese. 1977. Action of brown widow spider venom and botulinum toxin on the frog neuromuscular junction examined with the freeze-fracture technique. J Physiol 273: 443-457.
Gulley, R. L., D.M. Landis, and T.S. Reese. 1978. Internal organization of membranes at end bulbs of Held in the anteroventral cochlear nucleus. J Comp Neurol 180: 707-741.
Henkart, M. P., T.S. Reese, and F.J. Brinley. 1978. Endoplasmic reticulum sequesters calcium in the squid giant axon. Science 202: 1300-1303.
Franzini-Armstrong, C., J.E. Heuser, T.S. Reese, A.P. Somlyo, and A.V. Somlyo. 1978. T-tubule swelling in hypertonic solutions: a freeze substitution study. J Physiol 283: 133-140.
Pumplin, D. W., and T.S. Reese. 1978. Membrane ultrastructure of the giant synapse of the squid Loligo pealei. Neuroscience 3: 685-696.
Rheuben, M. B., and T.S. Reese. 1978. Three-dimensional structure and membrane specializations of moth excitatory neuromuscular synapse. J Ultrastruct Res 65: 95-111.
Heuser, J. E., T.S. Reese, M.J. Dennis, Y. Jan, L. Jan, and L. Evans. 1979. Synaptic vesicle exocytosis captured by quick freezing and correlated with quantal transmitter release. J Cell Biol 81: 275-300.
Ornberg, R. L., and T.S. Reese. 1979. Secretion in Limulus amebocytes is by exocytosis. Prog Clin Biol Res 29: 125-130.
Shotton, D. M., J.E. Heuser, B.F. Reese, and T.S. Reese. 1979. Postsynaptic membrane folds of the frog neuromuscular junction visualized by scanning electron microscopy. Neuroscience 4: 427-435.
Ornberg, R. L., and T.S. Reese. 1980. A freeze-substitution method for localizing divalent cations: examples from secretory systems. Fed Proc 39: 2802-2808.
Smith, J. E., and T.S. Reese. 1980. Use of aldehyde fixatives to determine the rate of synaptic transmitter release. J Exp Biol 89: 19-29.
Gulley, R. L., and T.S. Reese. 1981. Cytoskeletal organization at the postsynaptic complex. J Cell Biol 91: 298-302.
Heuser, J. E., and T.S. Reese. 1981. Structural changes after transmitter release at the frog neuromuscular junction. J Cell Biol 88: 564-580.
Landis, D. M., and T.S. Reese. 1981. Membrane structure in mammalian astrocytes: a review of freeze-fracture studies on adult, developing, reactive and cultured astrocytes. J Exp Biol 95: 35-48.
Landis, D. M., and T.S. Reese. 1981. Astrocyte membrane structure: changes after circulatory arrest. J Cell Biol 88: 660-663.
McLaughlin, B. J., and T.S. Reese. 1981. A freeze-fracture study of photoreceptor presynaptic membranes during ribbon synapse formation. J Neurocytol 10: 183-199.
Ornberg, R. L., and T.S. Reese. 1981. Beginning of exocytosis captured by rapid-freezing of Limulus amebocytes. J Cell Biol 90: 40-54.
Ornberg, R. L., and T.S. Reese. 1981. Comparison of compound with plasmalemmal exocytosis in Limulus amebocytes. Methods Cell Biol 23: 301-311.
Pumplin, D. W., T.S. Reese, and R. Llinás. 1981. Are the presynaptic membrane particles the calcium channels? Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 78: 7210-7213.
Rand, R. P., T.S. Reese, and R.G. Miller. 1981. Phospholipid bilayer deformations associated with interbilayer contact and fusion. Nature 293: 237-238.
Rees, R. P., and T.S. Reese. 1981. New structural features of freeze-substituted neuritic growth cones. Neuroscience 6: 247-254.
Kachar, B., and T.S. Reese. 1982. Evidence for the lipidic nature of tight junction strands. Nature 296: 464-466.
Landis, D. M., and T.S. Reese. 1982. Regional organization of astrocytic membranes in cerebellar cortex. Neuroscience 7: 937-950.
Mazanet, R., B.F. Reese, C. Franzini-Armstrong, and T.S. Reese. 1982. Variability in the shapes of satellite cells in normal and injured frog sartorius muscle. Dev Biol 93: 22-27.
Schnapp, B. J., and T.S. Reese. 1982. Cytoplasmic structure in rapid-frozen axons. J Cell Biol 94: 667-669.
Dickinson-Nelson, A., and T.S. Reese. 1983. Structural changes during transmitter release at synapses in the frog sympathetic ganglion. J Neurosci 3: 42-52.
Kachar, B., and T.S. Reese. 1983. Formation of misplaced and reflexive tight junction strands in prostate epithelial cells. J Ultrastruct Res 82: 90-95.
Landis, D. M., and T.S. Reese. 1983. Cytoplasmic organization in cerebellar dendritic spines. J Cell Biol 97: 1169-1178.
Bridgman, P. C., and T.S. Reese. 1984. The structure of cytoplasm in directly frozen cultured cells. I. Filamentous meshworks and the cytoplasmic ground substance. J Cell Biol 99: 1655-1668.
Verma, V., and T.S. Reese. 1984. Structure and distribution of neuromuscular junctions on slow muscle fibers in the frog. Neuroscience 12: 647-662.
Benshalom, G., and T.S. Reese. 1985. Ultrastructural observations on the cytoarchitecture of axons processed by rapid-freezing and freeze-substitution. J Neurocytol 14: 943-960.
Cheng, T. P., and T.S. Reese. 1985. Polarized compartmentalization of organelles in growth cones from developing optic tectum. J Cell Biol 101: 1473-1480.
Kachar, B., and T.S. Reese. 1985. Rapid formation of gap-junction-like structures induced by glycerol. Anat Rec 213: 7-15.
Walrond, J. P., and T.S. Reese. 1985. Structure of axon terminals and active zones at synapses on lizard twitch and tonic muscle fibers. J Neurosci 5: 1118-1131.
Rand, R. P., B. Kachar, and T.S. Reese. 1985. Dynamic morphology of calcium-induced interactions between phosphatidylserine vesicles. Biophys J 47: 483-489.
Reese, B. F., D.M. Landis, and T.S. Reese. 1985. Organization of the cerebellar cortex viewed by scanning electron microscopy. Neuroscience 14: 133-146.
Schnapp, B. J., R.D. Vale, M.P. Sheetz, and T.S. Reese. 1985. Single microtubules from squid axoplasm support bidirectional movement of organelles. Cell 40: 455-462.
Vale, R. D., B.J. Schnapp, T. Mitchison, E. Steuer, T.S. Reese, and M.P. Sheetz. 1985. Different axoplasmic proteins generate movement in opposite directions along microtubules in vitro. Cell 43: 623-632.
Vale, R. D., B.J. Schnapp, T.S. Reese, and M.P. Sheetz. 1985. Organelle, bead, and microtubule translocations promoted by soluble factors from the squid giant axon. Cell 40: 559-569.
Vale, R. D., B.J. Schnapp, T.S. Reese, and M.P. Sheetz. 1985. Movement of organelles along filaments dissociated from the axoplasm of the squid giant axon. Cell 40: 449-454.
Vale, R. D., T.S. Reese, and M.P. Sheetz. 1985. Identification of a novel force-generating protein, kinesin, involved in microtubule-based motility. Cell 42: 39-50.
Andrews, S. B., and T.S. Reese. 1986. Intracellular structure and elemental analysis in rapid-frozen neurons. Ann N Y Acad Sci 483: 284-294.
Bridgman, P. C., B. Kachar, and T.S. Reese. 1986. The structure of cytoplasm in directly frozen cultured cells. II. Cytoplasmic domains associated with organelle movements. J Cell Biol 102: 1510-1521.
Kachar, B., N.A. Christakis, T.S. Reese, and N.J. Lane. 1986. The intramembrane structure of septate junctions based on direct freezing. J Cell Sci 80: 13-28.
Schnapp, B. J., R.D. Vale, M.P. Sheetz, and T.S. Reese. 1986. Microtubules and the mechanism of directed organelle movement. Ann N Y Acad Sci 466: 909-918.
Andrews, S. B., R.D. Leapman, D.M. Landis, and T.S. Reese. 1987. Distribution of calcium and potassium in presynaptic nerve terminals from cerebellar cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 84: 1713-1717.
Cheng, T. P., and T.S. Reese. 1987. Recycling of plasmalemma in chick tectal growth cones. J Neurosci 7: 1752-1759.
Reese, T. S. 1987. The molecular basis of axonal transport in the squid giant axon. Res Publ Assoc Res Nerv Ment Dis 65: 89-102.
Kachar, B., P.C. Bridgman, and T.S. Reese. 1987. Dynamic shape changes of cytoplasmic organelles translocating along microtubules. J Cell Biol 105: 1267-1271.
Landis, D. M., L.A. Weinstein, and T.S. Reese. 1987. Substructure in the postsynaptic density of Purkinje cell dendritic spines revealed by rapid freezing and etching. Synapse 1: 552-558.
Andrews, S. B., R.D. Leapman, D.M. Landis, and T.S. Reese. 1988. Activity-dependent accumulation of calcium in Purkinje cell dendritic spines. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 85: 1682-1685.
Cheng, T. P., and T.S. Reese. 1988. Compartmentalization of anterogradely and retrogradely transported organelles in axons and growth cones from chick optic tectum. J Neurosci 8: 3190-3199.
Frøkjaer-Jensen, J., R.C. Wagner, S.B. Andrews, P. Hagman, and T.S. Reese. 1988. Three-dimensional organization of the plasmalemmal vesicular system in directly frozen capillaries of the rete mirabile in the swim bladder of the eel. Cell Tissue Res 254: 17-24.
Kachar, B., and T.S. Reese. 1988. The mechanism of cytoplasmic streaming in characean algal cells: sliding of endoplasmic reticulum along actin filaments. J Cell Biol 106: 1545-1552.
Khan, S., M. Dapice, and T.S. Reese. 1988. Effects of mot gene expression on the structure of the flagellar motor. J Mol Biol 202: 575-584.
Landis, D. M., A.K. Hall, L.A. Weinstein, and T.S. Reese. 1988. The organization of cytoplasm at the presynaptic active zone of a central nervous system synapse. Neuron 1: 201-209.
Schroer, T. A., B.J. Schnapp, T.S. Reese, and M.P. Sheetz. 1988. The role of kinesin and other soluble factors in organelle movement along microtubules. J Cell Biol 107: 1785-1792.
Landis, D. M., and T.S. Reese. 1989. Substructure in the assemblies of intramembrane particles in astrocytic membranes. J Neurocytol 18: 819-831.
Schnapp, B. J., and T.S. Reese. 1989. Dynein is the motor for retrograde axonal transport of organelles. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 86: 1548-1552.
Tatsuoka, H., and T.S. Reese. 1989. New structural features of synapses in the anteroventral cochlear nucleus prepared by direct freezing and freeze-substitution. J Comp Neurol 290: 343-357.
Chang, D. C., and T.S. Reese. 1990. Changes in membrane structure induced by electroporation as revealed by rapid-freezing electron microscopy. Biophys J 58: 1-12.
Schnapp, B. J., B. Crise, M.P. Sheetz, T.S. Reese, and S. Khan. 1990. Delayed start-up of kinesin-driven microtubule gliding following inhibition by adenosine 5'-[beta,gamma-imido]triphosphate. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 87: 10053-10057.
Khan, S., I.H. Khan, and T.S. Reese. 1991. New structural features of the flagellar base in Salmonella typhimurium revealed by rapid-freeze electron microscopy. J Bacteriol 173: 2888-2896.
Vogel, S. S., G.J. Chin, J.H. Schwartz, and T.S. Reese. 1991. Pertussis toxin-sensitive G proteins are transported toward synaptic terminals by fast axonal transport. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 88: 1775-1778.
Khan, I. H., T.S. Reese, and S. Khan. 1992. The cytoplasmic component of the bacterial flagellar motor. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 89: 5956-5960.
Lane, N. J., T.S. Reese, and B. Kachar. 1992. Structural domains of the tight junctional intramembrane fibrils. Tissue Cell 24: 291-300.
Schnapp, B. J., T.S. Reese, and R. Bechtold. 1992. Kinesin is bound with high affinity to squid axon organelles that move to the plus-end of microtubules. J Cell Biol 119: 389-399.
Terasaki, M., and T.S. Reese. 1992. Characterization of endoplasmic reticulum by co-localization of BiP and dicarbocyanine dyes. J Cell Sci 101 ( Pt 2): 315-322.
Andrews, S. B., P.E. Gallant, R.D. Leapman, B.J. Schnapp, and T.S. Reese. 1993. Single kinesin molecules crossbridge microtubules in vitro. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 90: 6503-6507.
Bearer, E. L., J.A. DeGiorgis, R.A. Bodner, A.W. Kao, and T.S. Reese. 1993. Evidence for myosin motors on organelles in squid axoplasm. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 90: 11252-11256.
Buchanan, R. A., R.D. Leapman, M.F. O'Connell, T.S. Reese, and S.B. Andrews. 1993. Quantitative scanning transmission electron microscopy of ultrathin cryosections: subcellular organelles in rapidly frozen liver and cerebellar cortex. J Struct Biol 110: 244-255.
Dosemeci, A., and T.S. Reese. 1993. Inhibition of endogenous phosphatase in a postsynaptic density fraction allows extensive phosphorylation of the major postsynaptic density protein. J Neurochem 61: 550-555.
Lo, W. K., and T.S. Reese. 1993. Multiple structural types of gap junctions in mouse lens. J Cell Sci 106 ( Pt 1): 227-235.
Terasaki, M., and T.S. Reese. 1994. Interactions among endoplasmic reticulum, microtubules, and retrograde movements of the cell surface. Cell Motil Cytoskeleton 29: 291-300.
Terasaki, M., N.T. Slater, A. Fein, A. Schmidek, and T.S. Reese. 1994. Continuous network of endoplasmic reticulum in cerebellar Purkinje neurons. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 91: 7510-7514.
Dosemeci, A., and T.S. Reese. 1995. Effect of calpain on the composition and structure of postsynaptic densities. Synapse 20: 91-97.
Gallant, P. E., K. Hammar, and T.S. Reese. 1995. Cytoplasmic constriction and vesiculation after axotomy in the squid giant axon. J Neurocytol 24: 943-954.
Stahlberg, A., S.C. Schuster, M. Bauer, E. Baeuerlein, R. Zhao, T.S. Reese, and S. Khan. 1995. Conserved machinery of the bacterial flagellar motor. Biophys J 68: 168S-171S; discussion 171S-172S.
Terasaki, M., A. Schmidek, J.A. Galbraith, P.E. Gallant, and T.S. Reese. 1995. Transport of cytoskeletal elements in the squid giant axon. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 92: 11500-11503.
Bearer, E. L., J.A. DeGiorgis, H. Jaffe, N.A. Medeiros, and T.S. Reese. 1996. An axoplasmic myosin with a calmodulin-like light chain. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 93: 6064-6068.
Bearer, E. L., J.A. DeGiorgis, N.A. Medeiros, and T.S. Reese. 1996. Actin-based motility of isolated axoplasmic organelles. Cell Motil Cytoskeleton 33: 106-114.
Miyaguchi, K., and T.S. Reese. 1996. Direct visualization of a transmembrane channel associated with ribosomes. J Struct Biol 116: 413-417.
Moreira, J. E., T.S. Reese, and B. Kachar. 1996. Freeze-substitution as a preparative technique for immunoelectronmicroscopy: evaluation by atomic force microscopy. Microsc Res Tech 33: 251-261.
Muresan, V., C.P. Godek, T.S. Reese, and B.J. Schnapp. 1996. Plus-end motors override minus-end motors during transport of squid axon vesicles on microtubules. J Cell Biol 135: 383-397.
Zhao, R., N. Pathak, H. Jaffe, T.S. Reese, and S. Khan. 1996. FliN is a major structural protein of the C-ring in the Salmonella typhimurium flagellar basal body. J Mol Biol 261: 195-208.
Leapman, R. D., P.E. Gallant, T.S. Reese, and S.B. Andrews. 1997. Phosphorylation and subunit organization of axonal neurofilaments determined by scanning transmission electron microscopy. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 94: 7820-7824.
Metuzals, J., D. Chang, K. Hammar, and T.S. Reese. 1997. Organization of the cortical endoplasmic reticulum in the squid giant axon. J Neurocytol 26: 529-539.
Pozzo-Miller, L. D., N.B. Pivovarova, R.D. Leapman, R.A. Buchanan, T.S. Reese, and S.B. Andrews. 1997. Activity-dependent calcium sequestration in dendrites of hippocampal neurons in brain slices. J Neurosci 17: 8729-8738.
Khan, S., R. Zhao, and T.S. Reese. 1998. Architectural features of the Salmonella typhimurium flagellar motor switch revealed by disrupted C-rings. J Struct Biol 122: 311-319.
Medeiros, N. A., T.S. Reese, H. Jaffe, J.A. Degiorgis, and E.L. Bearer. 1998. Primary peptide sequences from squid muscle and optic lobe myosin IIs: a strategy to identify an organelle myosin. Cell Biol Int 22: 161-173.
Moreira, J. E., V. Dodane, and T.S. Reese. 1998. Immunoelectronmicroscopy of soluble and membrane proteins with a sensitive postembedding method. J Histochem Cytochem 46: 847-854.
Bearer, E. L., and T.S. Reese. 1999. Association of actin filaments with axonal microtubule tracts. J Neurocytol 28: 85-98.
Bearer, E. L., M.L. Schlief, X.O. Breakefield, D.E. Schuback, T.S. Reese, and J.H. LaVail. 1999. Squid axoplasm supports the retrograde axonal transport of herpes simplex virus. Biol Bull 197: 257-258.
Dosemeci, A., T.S. Reese, J.D. Petersen, C. Choi, and S. Beushausen. 1999. Localization of the linker domain of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 263: 657-662.
Galbraith, J. A., T.S. Reese, M.L. Schlief, and P.E. Gallant. 1999. Slow transport of unpolymerized tubulin and polymerized neurofilament in the squid giant axon. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 96: 11589-11594.
Pozzo-Miller, L. D., N.B. Pivovarova, J.A. Connor, T.S. Reese, and S.B. Andrews. 1999. Correlated measurements of free and total intracellular calcium concentration in central nervous system neurons. Microsc Res Tech 46: 370-379.
Bearer, E. L., X.O. Breakefield, D. Schuback, T.S. Reese, and J.H. LaVail. 2000. Retrograde axonal transport of herpes simplex virus: evidence for a single mechanism and a role for tegument. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 97: 8146-8150.
Dosemeci, A., T.S. Reese, J. Petersen, and J.H. Tao-Cheng. 2000. A novel particulate form of Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent [correction of Ca(2+)/CaMKII-dependent] protein kinase II in neurons. J Neurosci 20: 3076-3084.
Frolov, V. A., M.S. Cho, P. Bronk, T.S. Reese, and J. Zimmerberg. 2000. Multiple local contact sites are induced by GPI-linked influenza hemagglutinin during hemifusion and flickering pore formation. Traffic 1: 622-630.
Dosemeci, A., J.H. Tao-Cheng, L. Vinade, C.A. Winters, L. Pozzo-Miller, and T.S. Reese. 2001. Glutamate-induced transient modification of the postsynaptic density. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 98: 10428-10432.
Samuel, A. D., J.D. Petersen, and T.S. Reese. 2001. Envelope structure of Synechococcus sp. WH8113, a nonflagellated swimming cyanobacterium. BMC Microbiol 1: 4.
Tao-Cheng, J. H., L. Vinade, C. Smith, C.A. Winters, R. Ward, M.W. Brightman, T.S. Reese, and A. Dosemeci. 2001. Sustained elevation of calcium induces Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II clusters in hippocampal neurons. Neuroscience 106: 69-78.
Vinade, L., J.D. Petersen, K. Do, A. Dosemeci, and T.S. Reese. 2001. Activation of calpain may alter the postsynaptic density structure and modulate anchoring of NMDA receptors. Synapse 40: 302-309.
DeGiorgis, J. A., T.S. Reese, and E.L. Bearer. 2002. Association of a nonmuscle myosin II with axoplasmic organelles. Mol Biol Cell 13: 1046-1057.
Dosemeci, A., L. Vinade, C.A. Winters, T.S. Reese, and J.H. Tao-Cheng. 2002. Inhibition of phosphatase activity prolongs NMDA-induced modification of the postsynaptic density. J Neurocytol 31: 605-612.
Tao-Cheng, J. H., L. Vinade, L.D. Pozzo-Miller, T.S. Reese, and A. Dosemeci. 2002. Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II clusters in adult rat hippocampal slices. Neuroscience 115: 435-440.
Petersen, J. D., X. Chen, L. Vinade, A. Dosemeci, J.E. Lisman, and T.S. Reese. 2003. Distribution of postsynaptic density (PSD)-95 and Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II at the PSD. J Neurosci 23: 11270-11278.
Stanley, E. F., T.S. Reese, and G.Z. Wang. 2003. Molecular scaffold reorganization at the transmitter release site with vesicle exocytosis or botulinum toxin C1. Eur J Neurosci 18: 2403-2407.
Vinade, L., M. Chang, M.L. Schlief, J.D. Petersen, T.S. Reese, J.H. Tao-Cheng, and A. Dosemeci. 2003. Affinity purification of PSD-95-containing postsynaptic complexes. J Neurochem 87: 1255-1261.
Otmakhov, N., J.H. Tao-Cheng, S. Carpenter, B. Asrican, A. Dosemeci, T.S. Reese, and J. Lisman. 2004. Persistent accumulation of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II in dendritic spines after induction of NMDA receptor-dependent chemical long-term potentiation. J Neurosci 24: 9324-9331.
Reese, Thomas S. 2004. My collaboration with John Heuser. Eur J Cell Biol. Germany:
Chen, X., L. Vinade, R.D. Leapman, J.D. Petersen, T. Nakagawa, T.M. Phillips, M. Sheng, and T.S. Reese. 2005. Mass of the postsynaptic density and enumeration of three key molecules. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102: 11551-11556.
Tao-Cheng, J. H., L. Vinade, C.A. Winters, T.S. Reese, and A. Dosemeci. 2005. Inhibition of phosphatase activity facilitates the formation and maintenance of NMDA-induced calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II clusters in hippocampal neurons. Neuroscience 130: 651-656.
DeGiorgis, J. A., J.A. Galbraith, A. Dosemeci, X. Chen, and T.S. Reese. 2006. Distribution of the scaffolding proteins PSD-95, PSD-93, and SAP97 in isolated PSDs. Brain Cell Biol 35: 239-250.
Tao-Cheng, J. H., A. Dosemeci, C.A. Winters, and T.S. Reese. 2006. Changes in the distribution of calcium calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II at the presynaptic bouton after depolarization. Brain Cell Biol 35: 117-124.
Tao-Cheng, J. H., P.E. Gallant, M.W. Brightman, A. Dosemeci, and T.S. Reese. 2007. Structural changes at synapses after delayed perfusion fixation in different regions of the mouse brain. J Comp Neurol 501: 731-740.
Chen, X., C. Winters, R. Azzam, X. Li, J.A. Galbraith, R.D. Leapman, and T.S. Reese. 2008. Organization of the core structure of the postsynaptic density. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105: 4453-4458.
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Chen, X., C.D. Nelson, X. Li, C.A. Winters, R. Azzam, A.A. Sousa, R.D. Leapman, H. Gainer, M. Sheng, and T.S. Reese. 2011. PSD-95 is required to sustain the molecular organization of the postsynaptic density. J Neurosci 31: 6329-6338.
Khan, S., Y. Zou, A. Amjad, A. Gardezi, C.L. Smith, C. Winters, and T.S. Reese. 2011. Sequestration of CaMKII in dendritic spines in silico. J Comput Neurosci .
Pekkurnaz, G., A. Fera, J. Zimmerberg-Helms, J.A. Degiorgis, L. Bezrukov, P.S. Blank, J. Mazar, T.S. Reese, and J. Zimmerberg. 2011. Isolation and ultrastructural characterization of squid synaptic vesicles. Biol Bull 220: 89-96.
Tao-Cheng, J. H., V.T. Crocker, C.A. Winters, R. Azzam, J. Chludzinski, and T.S. Reese. 2011. Trafficking of AMPA receptors at plasma membranes of hippocampal neurons. J Neurosci 31: 4834-4843.
Yang, Y., J.H. Tao-Cheng, T.S. Reese, and A. Dosemeci. 2011. SynGAP moves out of the core of the postsynaptic density upon depolarization. Neuroscience .