past inventories
August 21
tank 1 -
free: leahy #2 (23 females)
box 1-1: females from bodega (12 - 4 in quarantine box 2-1)
box 1-2: females from Leahy #1 (14 animals)
crate 1-1: 0
crate 1-2: 0
crate 1-3: 0
crate 1-4: 0
crate 1-5: 5 males from leahy shipments + 3 bodega males
crate 1-6: 0
tank 2
free are untested from 2007 (36 animals)
box 2-1 has 4 bodega females that haven’t healed well from 6/12 incisions
box 2-2 is ambient bodega males extra (12 animals)
box 2-3 is ambient for ~19 l variegatus
crates (all 2007 females used)
crate 2-1: 2
crate 2-2: 0
crate 2-3: 4
crate 2-4: 5
crate 2-5: 4
crate 2-6: 4
females from leahy #1 - box 1-2 (total = 14)
females from leahy #2 - tank 1 free (total = 23)
females from bodega - box 1-1 (total = 12)
males from leahy and bodega: box 2-2, crate 1-5 (6+14=22)
females from 2007 (total = 55)
tank 2 free (total = 36)
crates 2-1, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 2-6 (total = 19)
l variegatus (~19)
box 2-3
June 23
tank 1 -
free: leahy #2 (23 females)
box 1-1: females from bodega (22 - 4 in quarantine box 2-1)
box 1-2: females from Leahy #1 (14 animals)
crate 1-1: 0
crate 1-2: 0
crate 1-3: 0
crate 1-4: 0
crate 1-5: 5 males from leahy shipments + 3 bodega males
crate 1-6: 0
tank 2
free are untested from 2007 (36 animals)
box 2-1 has 4 bodega females that haven’t healed well from 6/12 incisions
box 2-2 is ambient bodega males extra (14 animals)
box 2-3 is ambient for ~19 l variegatus
crates (all 2007 females used)
crate 2-1: 2
crate 2-2: 0
crate 2-3: 4
crate 2-4: 5
crate 2-5: 4
crate 2-6: 4
females from leahy #1 - box 1-2 (total = 14)
females from leahy #2 - tank 1 free (total = 23)
females from bodega - box 1-1 (total = 22)
males from leahy and bodega: box 2-2, crate 1-5 (8+14=22)
females from 2007 (total = 55)
tank 2 free (total = 36)
crates 2-1, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 2-6 (total = 19)
l variegatus (~19)
box 2-3