Quicktime controllers (Macintosh only):
1. Control speed of playback, with toggle - download most recent version - notes on use, see below
2. Looping playback of a selected segment with speed control - download most recent version
3. Controller with buttons for slow, fast, skip - download most recent version

Written with AppleScript Studio (Oct 2007)

How to use:
1. Control speed of playback, with toggle -- open this program (Slow Mo 05), then open the quicktime movie you want to control. Activate Slow Mo, type in the playback rate you would like. To start, either click on the play button with the mouse or press the "enter" key on the keyboard. This will start forward playback. When you either click on play button or press "enter", the movie will reverse at the same speed. Then the next click will play forward, etc. To stop the movie, activate the quicktime program (click on the movie) and use the quicktime controls. Most recent version is October 17, 2007

2. Looping playback of a selected segment with speed control (Slow Mo 07) -- open this program then open the quicktime movie you want to control. Find the starting point of the segment in the quicktime program. Activate the Slow Mo program, then click on the button "start". Go back and activate quicktime, then find the end point of the segment in the movie. Activate the Slow Mo program and click on the button "end". Enter the playback rate you would like in the text window. Click on "play", and the quicktime movie will do a looping playback of the segment that you specified. Most recent version is October 17.

3. Controller with buttons for slow, fast, skip (Omdr) - This is named after a video playback machine called OMDR in the 1990's which had a controller like this one. Fast playback is 3x normal speed, slow playback is 1/3 normal speed. You can use mouse clicks on the buttons or also the keyboard equivalents that are shown on the keys. Most recent version is October 17.

Historical: Movie Controller, a Mac OS9 program for controlling rate and direction of Quicktime movies. HyperCard program. Download